We are

Earthshine Group

We’re passionate about making a real difference!

Our story

Earthshine has been pioneering fully integrated sustainable business and circular economy solutions since 2006. We’ve worked with a wide range of businesses and public organisations, large and small, in all sectors within the Europe, North America and UK. In that time, we developed a reputation for strategic and progressive thinking – coupled with an attention to detail, notably in our forensic business case work.

Our journey, since those early days, has taken us from our initial focus on footprint reduction and eco-efficiency benefits, right through to the present day as transformation leaders – picking up all stops in-between, including the circular economy, sustainable business models, navigating the financial crisis, digging into supply chains, growing internationally, becoming systems change architects, and developing our expertise in education, training and capability development. Always with a focus on integrating sustainability thinking and principles into the heart of business thinking and practice – and always with a strong emphasis on delivering tangible benefits.

In 2020, we relaunched as Earthshine Group, in response to the scale of the transformation challenge, and to better reflect our international role. Our HQ is in Copenhagen, for many the heart of the sustainability revolution, but we also have a presence in Canada, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Ireland, UK and USA. We are energised with renewed purpose and a greater sense of urgency, to help accelerate circular and sustainability transformations in business, economy, society and people – in order to generate long-term shared prosperity, within planetary and societal boundaries. 

We will always be consultants, but our emphasis has shifted towards capability development – helping people and teams develop sustainability as a mindset to deliver their own sustainability transformations. This is all about unleashing the inherent capability within people and their organisations, their customers and supply chains – along with their investors and other stakeholders – sharing the challenge, and supporting innovation with leading-edge knowledge, tools and techniques pioneered in Scandinavia.

In essence, we work with our customers to find the new sweet spot between innovation, commercial success, and regenerative sustainability impacts.  Integrating sustainability as a mindset, together, we can capture a much broader range of business, environmental, and social benefits – while meeting the great challenges of our time.

We’re passionate about making a real difference; delivering lasting change, right through organisations, their supply chains and markets – not just ticking boxes – we seek to embed new skills and capabilities and a strong business case.  We think we have something special to offer, and we look forward to sharing it with you.

Why Earthshine?

Beyond CSR

Sustainability fully integrated for transformational impact

Real impact

Embedding lasting capability and delivering a strong benefits case

Circular economy pioneers

Driving research, development & business change for over a decade

Integrated 'One Planet' mindset

Systems thinkers - delivering holistic solutions and maximum impact


Immersive training & education pioneered in Scandinavia

Applied curiosity

Relentless questioning, understanding and pursuit of excellence