We support circular and sustainability transformations in business, economy, and society.
To generate long-term shared prosperity, within planetary and societal boundaries.
By helping you transform your capabilities to deliver a real impact.
Companies that don’t adapt [to climate change] – including companies in the financial system – will go bankrupt without question. [But] there will be great fortunes made along this path aligned with what society wants.
Business as usual is dead. CSR offers only limited substance. Incremental change is not going deep enough, or fast enough.
We are in the midst of a climate crisis: We only have a limited amount of time to act. Radical solutions are needed to deliver a transformative impact, if we are to keep our climate within 1.5C by 2030 – let alone deal with our further challenges of ecosystem collapse, resource scarcity, rising inequality, and so on.
Somehow, we need to deal with this existential crisis, while simultaneously striving to meet our aspirations for the ‘good life’. On the face of it, a seemingly impossible and contradictory challenge: In the developed world, how can we be so concerned with maintaining a life of consumption, while our world is literally falling apart?
A rapid transformation, in each and every business, economy and society, is essential. This calls for great leadership – making radical, strategic decisions – not at some future point, but TODAY.
Leading players are making progress, but many are nowhere near ready for the level of change required. In finding a new pathway, we need to develop and enhance our capabilities, and fast. There’s no more time for playing at the edges – we need to deliver a full-blown transformation in all that we do.
The further we go into our sustainability journeys, the more we find a simple truth is revealed to us: We cannot become fully sustainable enterprises in isolation; we also have to interface, collaborate and drive transformation within five interconnected realms.
For example, we cannot become truly ‘circular’, if we don’t engage with our customers, with business model innovation, and with our supply chains. We also need to engage with policy-makers to develop appropriate and supportive policy architecture, as well as drive the necessary changes within our system of economy. Everything changes!
And, most likely, we’ve never experienced this level of change before, so we’ll also need to look at developing and enhancing our capabilities, so we can deliver more successful transformations.
Our model for transformation is based on a comprehensive theory of change developed over the last ten years: We set your programme in context with complete system change to enable you to achieve the best overall impact and return on investment.
Our range of services are designed to help your teams develop greater awareness of possibilities and the capability to act: creating new sustainable business solutions, while capturing the full range of business and sustainability benefits available. As our approach is based on multi-stakeholder perspectives – we will be delighted to work with you, your suppliers, customers and other stakeholders.
Of course, genuine transformation does not happen on its own. It involves inspiration, innovation, new knowledge, skills and insights – as well as dedication, hard work and focused application.
Authentic transformation takes us to new places, and this requires capability development. Your people are already very talented – we simply work with them to enhance their capabilities and become even more effective agents of sustainable innovation and change.
Our leading-edge capability development programmes are designed to help your teams, suppliers and stakeholders develop sustainability as a mindset – enhancing awareness, and the ability to integrate sustainability principles and benefits into the heart of your strategies, operational practices and performance.
Based on a decade of robust research, development and practice – our programmes are built on a unique fusion of technical, business & commercial, and sustainability knowledge and skill sets – all enabled by leading-edge educational techniques pioneered in Scandinavia.
We offer three levels of engagement; whether you are just starting to engage (First Steps), or looking to go further (Intermediate), or whether you are dealing with more strategic challenges, including becoming fully ‘circular’ (Advanced).
Being climate smart is not an added cost. Its actually smart business and what the business model of the future will look like… Everything around fossil fuels and daft use of resources will be expensive.
Conventional ‘neoclassical’ business thinking tends to see sustainability as a burden. This outdated view can restrict our ability to find new opportunities, and harness the many benefits available, through engaging with the great challenges of our time. By adopting a more integrated One Planet mindset, we can capture a much broader range of business, environmental and societal benefits. Far from being a burden, integrating sustainability drives innovation and enables superior long-term business performance.
In everything we do, we place a great deal of emphasis on working with you and your teams to capture the full range of benefits available:
• De-risk your business, avoiding poor performance, and the risk of stranded assets.
• Reduce waste, improve resource utilisation, reduce cost and improve the bottom line.
• Fully sustainable value propositions generate responsible growth.
• Enhanced opportunity – new markets, new customers.
• More resilient and resistant to shocks.
• Less volatile financial performance, and improved share value.
• Achieve and contribute towards UN SDGs.
Whether you are just starting to engage, or already have a good track record of incremental improvements, or now wrestling with the full implications of transformational change, we have a range of generic, project-oriented, or challenge-focused capability development programmes which can be customised to your specific needs.
We can welcome you to our ESG Training Centre in Copenhagen, or we can establish a pop-up business school at a suitable location, or onsite at your own facility. We can also split activities between a mixture of locations.
The visit to Copenhagen is especially useful if you wish to choose the fully immersive experience to maximise embodied learning – reaching beyond the classroom, to absorb best practices through site visits and ‘feel’ sustainable transformations in practice. The overall aim is to get to the position of sustainability as a mindset – where the holistic consideration of smarter business strategies becomes second nature.